Monday, August 15, 2011

Marmots Habitant

  1. Eastern marmots are ground-dwelling rodents of the squirrel family. In North America they are known groundhogs or woodchucks. 
  2. Marmots use lookout to watch for predators. At what time a predator is dotted, the lookout whistle noisily. Marmots are outstanding diggers, and build an elaborate system of burrows, every with both a main entrance and an escape tunnel. 
  3. Their burrows are used as dens by other animals, counting skunks and foxes. During the summer, marmots gain weight in order to prepare for hibernation. They frequently hibernate all winter and may lose as much as half their body weight by February.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Woolly Spider Monkey habitat

Also known as muriqui, the woolly spider monkey is the main primate in the Americas as well as one of the rarest in the world. With a prehensile (grasping) tail and long finger that they hook over brushwood, they move backward and forward gymnastically through the forest canopy. 

Woolly spider monkeys use most of their time high in the canopy and they drink water that collects in the leaves. They live peacefully together in troops of 5 to 25, generally having an equal number of males and females. When reaching maturity, females leave their birth troop to join another, while males tend to stay with their birth troop.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Know About Ancient Monkey Mandrill

This old world monkey is intimately connected to baboons and is the major of all monkeys. Males are additional colorful than females, and about twice as big. When a male become excited or challenging, the colors on his face become even brighter and serve as a caution to rivals. Mandrills are friendly animals, living in groups that may number from fifteen to 200 members.

They live chiefly on the ground, but may infrequently sleep in trees. Using their fingers with deftness, mandrills dig, sort, prepare, and eat their food. Like squirrels, mandrills have cheek pouches, which enable them to carry food to be eaten later.

Beautiful animal photogenic

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Let Us Know About Nile Monitor Lizard

The Nile monitor lizard is the main lizard in Africa, growing up to 2.1 meters (7 feet) long. Since they eat crocodile eggs, Nile monitor are often seen near crocodile nesting sites. Adult Nile monitor lizards can easily outrun people over short distances. 

They can also stay underwater for more than an hour. The female Nile monitor laid her clutch of eggs in the active mound of termites. The heat as of the termites acts to incubate the eggs. When they hatch, baby lizards resemble tiny versions of their parents. The mosasaur, a large, died out sea monster that disappeared 65 million years ago, is intimately connected.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Do You Know Mountain goats

1.       Mountain goats are not true goats; they belong to a collection recognized as goat-antelope.
2.       Unlike the ridged, curved horns of true goats, the mountain goat's horns are only somewhat curved and nearly smooth.
3.       Their hooves have hard outer bullets and a rubbery, concave set of footpads that act as suction cups when they walk in their steep surroundings, and help cushion their feet when they jump from rock to rock.
4.       They have an aggressive social structure, often pushing and shoving each other. Each goat has a rank that determines the best sleeping and eating spots. The larger nannies usually rank at the top.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Know About Western fence lizards

Areas in California where Western fence lizards were removed had a subsequent drop in numbers of the ticks that transmit Lyme disease, researchers have discovered.

"Our expectation was that removing the lizards would increase the risk of Lyme disease, so we were surprised by this finding," said ecologist Andrea Swei, who conducted the study while she was a Ph.D. student in integrative biology at University of California, Berkeley.

"We observed that the result of lizard removal was a decrease in infected ticks, and therefore decreased Lyme disease risk to humans.".

Results of the study, published online today in the journal Proceedings of The Royal Society B, illustrate the complex role the Western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) plays in the abundance of disease-spreading ticks.

"This study demonstrates the complexity of infectious disease systems, and how the removal of one player--lizards--can affect disease risk," said Sam Scheiner, program director at the National Science Foundation (NSF), which funded the research through a joint Ecology of Infectious Diseases (EID) Program with the National Institutes of Health.

At NSF, the EID Program is supported by the Directorates for Biological Sciences and Geosciences.........